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Freestyle Libre Review – My experiences after 3 years

Freestyle Libre Sticker

I’ve had type 1 diabetes for almost a decade now and there have been many highs and lows, but nothing has ever changed my life with diabetes quite as much as the Freestyle Libre.

I first heard about the product in the summer of 2014. Abbott had created a smart marketing campaign months ahead of the product launch that had the diabetes community more than curious – me included. I was insanely eager to try it. I couldn’t wait to order it and kept checking the website on a daily basis. Then, in October 2014, someone posted the good news in a Facebook group: The shop was online and I immediately took action and ordered.

Shortly after, the Freestyle Libre was completely sold out. Abbott had not been expecting the huge run on the Libre and wasn’t able to serve any new customers for months. Instead, there was a considerable waitlist and a flourishing black market on eBay. By now, Abbott seems to have caught up with the demand and the Freestyle Libre is being used by more than 300.000 people in more than 35 countries.

I am incredibly glad that I made my order that day. I still remember how excited I was when I inserted my first sensor and scanned my glucose levels for the first time. Since that moment, I have been absolutely satisfied with this system. After using it for more than three years, I want to share more about my experiences with you today.

Please note that I am from Germany, so some of my experiences might differ from other countries. If you do not speak English or German, you may want to use Google Translate to understand this article. Thanks for reading!

Freestyle Libre

Proudly presenting my very first sensor in November 2014!

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