Diabetes Blog Week was a blast! I am truly glad I got to take part in it, even though I missed yesterday’s post because I was busy travelling. But that is always a good excuse! 😉 Even still, I got inspired to write a few posts and most of all I got to read a lot of them, too. Here are just a few articles that I liked, but I will continue to read more!
- Tamsin of Type1Diabeater says: „My Diabetes is a baby!“
- Ally of Very Light, No Sugar asks „What if diabetes were a cinnamon cure“
- Kelley of Below Seven talks about „Changes“
Diabetes Blog Week was a great opportunity to get to know and connect with so many different bloggers, each with their unique perspective on this thing we all share. Feel free to connect with me as well, whether on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or right here on the blog. I’m always happy to make new friends, with a functioning pancreas or without! 😉
1 Comment
Pharma Exporters
12. April 2018 at 9:22Read your blog seems very interesting and more of information. Thank you sharing this.